Drama classes are a particularly effective method to teach social skills because they empower children on various spectrums to face another person and respond to others' feelings in a fun and exciting way.
We will be taking our award-winning drama curriculum and adapting the way we teach it, so that it is more beneficial for children with Autism, Aspergers, ADHD and other mixed abilities.
Through this programme we create a positive environment that nurtures positive communication, collaboration, creativity and social interaction.
Children with ASD often display improved communication, greater independence and deeper relationships. As a type of intervention that implements aspects of drama and theatre, drama therapy is an excellent way to promote the positive, interactive environment that has proven to be so vital for individuals with ASD.
ACT-ivate will be tutored by Mr Scepan Ivanovic who graduated in psychology and Mr David Hirst our most senior educator, with over 30 years of experience of teaching children with disabilities and on the spectrum. Classes will have additional support through an assistant teacher to help guide focus and participation and give extra care and attention where needed.
Classes run in parallel with the scholastic term and are one hour per week and will take place at the Malta Drama HQ studios in Attard on Wednesdays at 4pm (5-8years) and at the Siggiewi Local Council Hall (3-4 years Kindy)
Fees for these specialised classes are €130 for 10 lessons per Term, but we are offering an introductory price of €110 per term for the first scholastic year.